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The information below will help you with becoming a better musician!

Quarter Notes and Rests

This video will assist you with quarter note rhythms and rests.

Music Theory

Navigate this site to learn about the different parts of the staff and how to read notes and rhythms. Learn about different signs and symbols. Click on lessons and navigate to what you feel you need the most help with.

Eighth Notes

This video will assist you with 8th note rhythms.

Education: Who We Are

Beginning Snare Drum

Are you a snare player? You should watch these.

Mallet Percussion Help

Mallet players should check out this series.

Vic Firth Marching Percussion

Go here to learn about different techniques and information about all things percussion. Lots of videos and lots of good info!

Education: Who We Are

Flute Tone

Improve your flute tone!

Clarinet Tone

Tips to help with your clarinet tone.

Saxophone Tone

Video on improving your tone on the saxophone.

Education: Who We Are

Mellophone Lesson

This video is for beginning mellophone players.

Trumpet Sound

Tips to help with your trumpet sound.

Trombone Tone

Video for improving your tone on trombone.

Education: Who We Are

Baritone Tone

Help for the euphonium/baritone players with tone.

Beginner Electric Bass

Steps to learning how to play the electric bass.

Tuba Sound

Work on getting a better sound on tuba.

Education: Who We Are
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